I don't really know how to describe this, so I will do my best.

I have the following working:
listBeg is my repeater
URL is the element in the array that is outputting to the label. This
is working as you would expect.

<mx:Label text="{listBeg.currentItem.URL}" fontSize="11" />

The following is not working. I get undefined when I run it.
click="getURL( listBeg.currentItem.ID , '_blank' )"

Going the other route - this works:
Click="getURL( data.getBeginner.result[0].URL )"

This does not:
Click="getURL( data.getBeginner.result[listBeg.selectedIndex].URL )"

If I pull the internal variables out of the links (aside from the first
one not working which is driving me nuts) they output correctly in Label

Please tell me what I am doing wrong here. Also - if there is a way to
force the evaluation of the internal variable I am willing to do this
the hard way.


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