Hi Shell,
On the whole I agree with criticism - as long as its constructive. I hope that when you post your site here that no one will say "its crap" because that's just a useless, careless statement which will not help the creator to improve the site at all, instead it will just put them and others off posting their links here.
Others have linked their criticism with constructive tips on how the improvement could be achieved - this kind of criticism is great because it alerts the creator to potential problems and offers direction on how to improve it.
Also, I would imagine that the majority of people posting to this group will actually be Flex programmers and not have the background in design like some of us do. So we have the responsibility of helping those even more so.
Having worked in a design environment for over a decade I know that what one designer likes, another despises, and that's why if you get too many peoples opinion of the design, it becomes watered down and is no longer sharp.
Personally I think that he's done a pretty good job of making a Flex app look like its not a Flex app and that its a Flash site.
Please don't take offence at anything I've said, and please don't stop the constructive criticism because I just want everyone (including myself) to get the most out of this forum - which is here to help us all build Flex apps and help us make our Flex apps better.
Kind Regards,
Simon Fifield
-----Original Message-----
From: Shell Bryson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 April 2005 11:54
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] My Company's Flex Site Live

People shouldn’t be put off of posting sites here. Honest opinion should be encouraged too. I’m a web DESIGNER, not a coder, and aesthetics, usability, accessibility and functionality are all equally important to me (and hopefully the end user). While James’s site might be a technical achievement, I’m afraid this means nothing to an end user – or the googlebot when it visits! I just don’t like the design very much. I’ll happily post some of our designs here when I’m able to, and I hope to get honest feedback (even if it’s “that’s crap”) J


Try posting a design to a design critique group.




From: Simon Fifield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 April 2005 11:45
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] My Company's Flex Site Live


Hi Flexcoders,


I think that its great that James has posted a link to his Flex site. I also think that some of the negative comments and feedback about the site are just going to put off other people from posting links to their sites here.


How about posting some POSITIVE feedback to James and help the collective encouragement here.


I think everyone responds much better to POSITIVE than negative - eh?





-----Original Message-----
From: James Ward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 April 2005 01:14
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] My Company's Flex Site Live

I want to thank everyone on this list for all the help over the past few
months!  Just minutes ago we launched our all Flex site:


Flex is beautiful and this community makes it even better!  Thank you


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