You can iterate through an object and get its properties (and therefore the names) using a loop.


for (var p : String in myObj)


  trace(“myObj[‘” + p + “’] = “ + myObj[p]);



It’s harder to take a given property and find out its own name, but you could try by taking the object of which it’s a prop and executing the like above and just search for it.  Not efficient by any stretch.



From: speedmetalrulez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 1:59 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: nodeName


You're trying to reference a node name?  I am not sure how to print
out node names without loading the data into an xml object.  I'm sure
it's possible.  It's very easy to access node values/attributes
declaritivelly without an XML object.  Not sure about the name though.

--- In, "jwaknitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering if there is anyway to grab the name of a node to
> against it not using an XML object.  I'm using data right from an
> service and don't want it to be in XML format either.  Any ideas?  I
> know it can be done quickly with XML but that would mean remaking my
> entire app, not an option. 
> Could I create an XML object that grabs a variable from the HTTP
> Service?  If so, how?
> I'm really stuck.

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