I’m not sure what you’re trying to do.  If you have the accessMap you can index into it using names (accessMap[‘foo’]).  Are you trying to make the hashmap the dataProvider of the DataGrid?  That’s not going to work, you need a linear list for that to happen (which you could create pretty easily by iterating over the hash map and simply filling an array with each time).



From: loveewind [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:37 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] how to display the HashMap data in flex <mx:DataGrid>?


my java object below:
public class UserVO {
    private HashMap accessMap = null;
      private String active    = null;
      private String firstName = null;
      private String lastName  = null;
      private String loggedOn  = null;
      private String networkId = null;

* @return
public HashMap getAccessMap() {
      return accessMap;

my actionscript object below:

class com.zdus.crm.user.UserVO{
      var firstName:String;
      var lastName:String;
      var networkId:String;
      var loggedOn:String;
      var active:String;
      var accessMap:Object;
      static var registered=Object.registerClass

I have got the hashmap on flex age from remoteobject certainly

i know treat the hashmap as a index array,but i can not do it

thank you! wait for your help online

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