Probably you are missing something very simple ... as we always do :-)

Specify variableRowHeight = "true" in the mx:DataGrid
Then specify wordWrap in the mx:DataGridColumn.


        <mx:DataGrid id="articlesDG" width="100%" height="100%" variableRowHeight="true">
              <mx:DataGridColumn columnName="SampleColumn1" headerText="
SampleColumn1" />
              <mx:DataGridColumn columnName="SampleColumn2" headerText="
SampleColumn2" wordWrap="true" />
              <mx:DataGridColumn columnName="
SampleColumn3" headerText="SampleColumn3" />

In the above example, only the second column will wordWrap.

Smile if it works :-)


Doodi, Hari - BLS CTR wrote:

We had the same problem but the way we did roundabout to this is - declare a var with a value with "\n" char in it and then bind this var to datagrid headertext property as shown below.. It did work for me.


var ordappl="Order\nAppl";





<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="{ordappl}" columnName="order" textAlign="left" />


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Matt Chotin
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 2:23 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Datagrid word wrap- it isnt working.


Have you set variableRowHeight to true?


From: [] On Behalf Of nithya karthik
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2005 10:14 PM
To: flexcoders
Subject: [flexcoders] Datagrid word wrap- it isnt working.



       when i give wordwrap="true" in a datagrid,  it isnt wraping the text... May i know the reason and the way  to rectify it?

I used something like this:

 <mx:DataGridColumn columnName="Total" headerText="Total reserves" wordWrap="true"/>

I want 'Total' in the first line and 'reserves' in the next line of the header.. How to do this?

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