Lets say you have two files; base.mxml, and popup.mxml.
You can achieve this using Events. basically you write a function in 
your base.mxml, which is then called when you want to divert 
attention to base.mxml file from popup.xml

In your popup.mxml, you do the following:
1) Register the Event like this:
[Event(name="eventListener_UpdateAvailability", type="Event")]
2) Write a function in popup.mxml, which you can call on any button 
action, or whatever your case maybe:

private function signalUpdate():void {
// create an event to send out to tell the  parent app
// to collect the message.
var outgoingEvent:Event 
= new Event("eventListener_UpdateAvailability",false);
Hope it helps.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "pbrendanc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just created a demo Flex app that uses a popup - see
> myflexapps.appspot.com - check out my demo and if you are stuck I 
> pull out the appropriate code for you that shows how this works.
> Patrick
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Joshua Jackson" <joshua.java@>
> wrote:
> >
> > Dear all,
> >
> > I want to have a popup input in my flex apps where the values in 
> > popup window will be set to the parent window that calls this 
> > window. How do we set the variable chosen to the parent window in
> > Flex? Could anyone give me a hint on these please.
> >
> > Many thanks
> >
> > --
> > Setting a new landmark.
> >
> > Blog: http://joshuajava.wordpress.com/
> >

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