Thanks Rick, I have had a good read of that article already :) you never know if any one out there has struck oil on FP9 though so I thought I would throw it out there!

On 1 Aug 2008, at 17:52, Rick Winscot wrote:

You’ll have to look to Flash Player 10 for the real answer.

Rick Winscot

On 8/1/08 10:34 AM, "Simon Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am using the ModuleManager and IModuleInterface for loading and
unloading Modules in Flex.  My question is regarding effective garbage
collecting on unloading a loaded module.  I am following the norm in
regards to removing listeners and as many references to the loaded
module as I can trace but for some reason tracing System.totalMemory
is still showing a big fat amount chunk of memory not clearing on

Any tips, tricks, advice etc.



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