Should be:
private var CarouselLoader:Loader; 

var tmpByteArray:ByteArray = myDBObject.thumb; 
CarouselLoader = new Loader(); 

private function bitmapLoaded():void{ something here.... 


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of mike_hodgson
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 9:40 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Loader Complete Event not firing for loadBytes

I have a ByteArray object that's loaded from a local database (SQLite
db) which represents a JPG file.  I need to load the ByteArray into a
Bitmap object for eventual loading into a
org.papervision3d.materials.BitmapMaterial object (I want to show the
JPG in a Carousel).  I'm having a bit of trouble getting the ByteArray
into the Bitmap using a Loader.   

The COMPLETE event for the loader does not fire. 

Using the debugger, I've checked the Loader and the content is null, but
the contentLoaderInfo has several entries.  What concerns me is that
several of the contentLoaderInfo entries state:  "Error #2099: The
loading object is not sufficiently loaded to provide this information."
I'm not sure if I should be concerned with this  - or how to fix it. 

I noticed a similar entry that described a
-component%21-td17515426.html#a17515556> problem with SWFs
-component%21-td17515426.html#a17515556>   (as opposed to JPG), but
there was no resolution 

private var CarouselLoader:Loader; 

var tmpByteArray:ByteArray = myDBObject.thumb; 
CarouselLoader = new Loader(); 
CarouselLoader.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE,bitmapLoaded); 

private function bitmapLoaded():void{ something here.... 

(I pulled this code from the
2102> entry
2102>  : ) 


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