Here's an example where the right-mouse-click ContextMenu has two
items one of which has a sub-menu. The menu appears fine on right
mouse click the first time but on the next right mouse click, the menu
item with a sub-menu disappears! In the example File and Edit menu
items appear the first time with File showing a Open sub-menu item.
The next time you right mouse click, only the Edit item shows. File
and its sub-menu is gone. Please HELP!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="";
layout="absolute" creationComplete="creationCompleteHandler()">
      private function creationCompleteHandler():void
        var cMenu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();                              
        // file menu item
        var file:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("File");
        // edit menu item
        var edit:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Edit");
        // file's sub-menu
        var subMenu:NativeMenu = new NativeMenu();                      
        var open:NativeMenuItem = new NativeMenuItem("Open");           
        file.submenu = subMenu;
        this.contextMenu = cMenu;
  <mx:Panel id="pnl" width="100%" height="100%"/>

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