Is it possible to shutoff or browserManager for certain components or
for the entire application? 

So after you do the following:

browserManager = BrowserManager.getInstance();
                                browserManager.init("", "Welcome");
                                // browserUrlChange just gets the
fragment on startup

Can you now shut off or de-init the browserManager instance for
certain components or the entire app?  Or can you put a setting in
your children components to not notify the browserManager?  

I know you can do historyManagementEnabled="false" for certain
navigator components, but since historyManagementEnabled is set to
false by browserManager and I set it manually in the application tag I
know its off. 

The problem I am having is that I have custom component that contains
several child components that go very deep. So when I navigate in my
component and all the children change IE7 makes several hundred
clicking sounds for change of each child so it clicks for about 3
mintues each time you navigate.  

I know I can shut off the clicking sound in my windows settings, but I
don't want all my users to have to do this.

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