I have Validators for some of my TextInput and Datefields.  I am loading my 
TextInput and 
DateFields first via ActionScript and then resetting them later through 
ActionScript so I 
never even click on the DateField but the Validator still triggers when I 
reset. Basically I 
want the 'reset all' behavior to not trigger validator warnings. I am resetting 
all of the 
fields in my interface and my validator is firing for the DateField but not for 
TextInputs. I 
can disable TextInput with:

textInput.errorString = "";

And get no red lines or errors. But when I try:

dateField.errorString = ""; 

the red box is still there. What is going on? I've tried it with both 
StringValidators and with 
DateValidators, but both exhibit the same problem.

Here are my mxml definitions: 

<mx:DateValidator id="startFixedValidator" source="{startDate}" property="text" 

<mx:DateField color="#000000" id="startDate"/>

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