
I am trying to use tooltip to show x/y/width/height for some of the 
UIComponents in my app. But it shows 0 for all these values, while a
similar function call for the click event works fine. Can anyone explain
the reason behind this?

Here is the code snippet:

private function getPosSiz(comp:UIComponent):String
    return comp+"> x: "+comp.x+"; y: "+comp.y+"; w:
"+comp.measuredWidth+"; h: "+comp.height;
private function tracePosSiz(comp:UIComponent):void
    trace(comp+"> x: "+comp.x+"; y: "+comp.y+"; w: "+comp.width+"; h:

<mx:Button id="prevBtn" label="&#0060;" click="tracePosSiz(prevBtn);"

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