Numbers can't be null, and you might need to use your own watcher function
if you'd like to return NaN rather than 0 when the text is empty.


On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 2:08 PM, jitendra jain

>  Hi Coders,
>  I have the following decalration in my User defined component .
> prodQty & rawQty are Number datatypes. txtProdLot and txtRawLot are
> TextInputs in a Repeater Container,allItemList is an ArrayCollection
> BindingUtils.bindProperty(allItemList[i],"prodQty",txtProdLot[i],"text");
> BindingUtils.bindProperty(allItemList[i],"rawQty",txtRawLot[i],"text");
> Everything works fine. But when my TextInput having no data that is empty,
> it binds zero values. How can I stop that??
>  When
> Thanks,
> with Regards,
> Jitendra Jain
> Software Engineer
> 91-9979960798

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