Cheers Matt.


On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 3:26 AM, Matt Chotin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I guess this is what I get for going on vacation last week huh?
> Clearly most of you guys saw the threads last week (and even today frankly)
> that I think went well over the line of what should be considered
> acceptable
> list behavior.  I'd like to remind everyone that the words you post here
> are
> basically going to live on forever in search engines, mail archives, etc.
> Try not to write things that are going to embarrass you in the future.  And
> while in general I don't have a problem with foul language (one need only
> hang out with me briefly) I think this forum is not the place for it, and
> ask that if you take the time to type it out, you take the time to take a
> deep breath and use those backspace and delete keys.  OK, play nice, issue
> closed.
> Robert was saying that there's a Scene 7 webinar and it will talk about
> Flex
> and developers may want to pay attention.  I think most of you should go
> and
> attend but that's because I think that Scene 7 offers interesting
> opportunities for various ecommerce solutions.  I do not see Scene 7
> competing with most of what you guys do (at least as far as I know).  If
> however you have a system that you sell to large ecommerce sites that does
> high-end image manipulation including color changes and various transforms,
> I think you may be a competitor.  Other than that, I don't believe Scene 7
> competes with what most Flex developers do.
> Doesn't mean Adobe doesn't end up competing with customers.  I always feel
> a
> total tinge of guilt when I see a really cool product out there and know
> that Adobe will compete in that area too.  Adobe is a public company that
> needs to grow, that means that we will not be contracting our areas of
> focus, we will be expanding.  We obviously have a huge stake in image
> software, it is reasonable to assume that we will be going into the web
> version of that pretty heavily (most folks would agree we'd be pretty
> stupid
> not to).  If you look at where Acrobat is successful (and as much as folks
> hate Reader for being slow, it's really really successful) it is in
> business
> productivity.  You can imagine we'll be continuing along those lines (see
>  So that's two examples, I'm sure there are others.
> Last question was on Flexstore license and whether you can use it as the
> basis for commercial software or whatever.  Answer: yes.  You can use
> Flexstore to do whatever you want.  I think all the samples we post on dev
> center where source is available, you can treat that as being open to doing
> whatever you want where it says "see accompanying license".
> Hope this helps,
> Matt
> Adobe
> Flex Product Manager
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