hi, my name is JIM, new to the FLEX.

i am wishing if some of you guys can help me out here....
and plz help me out here.....
i have no idea how I can solve this problem....

the question is within communication from flex to php 
and i already succeed receiving value at PHP side although I can not
send value as array from php.
(Im able to get value at php side from Database)
How can I send value from php to flex?

P.S. sorry for my terrible English.

this is a source
$genre_sql = "SELECT column FROM table";
$shop_sql = "SELECT column FROM table";
$data = new getDBData();
$genre_row = $data->get_Data($genre_sql);
$shop_row = $data->get_Data($shop_sql);
$return_Data[] = $genre_row;
$return_Data[] = $shop_row;
//I am thinking the error is the way to return the value
echo $return_Data[];
class getDBData{
        function getDBData(){
         * receive the data, and make it array
         * received valueFSQL execute command
         * return valueFarray
         * */
        function get_Data($sql){
                // MySQL communicating
                if (!($rs = mysql_query($sql))) {
                // MySQL viewing record
                $init = True;
                while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
                        // MySQL init
                        if ($init) {
                    // MySQL counting # of records
                                $clct = count($item) >> 1;
                        // MySQL checking the name of items
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $clct; $i++) {
                                $tmp = each($item);  // dummy
                                $tmp = each($item);
                                list($mds, $dmy) = $tmp;
                        // MySQL command ended
                                $init = False;
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $clct; $i++) {
                                $array[] = $item[$i];
                return $array;
source code of receiving the value
private function get_Result(event:Event):void
                var loader:URLLoader = event.target as URLLoader;
                var result:Array = loader.data;

//I have no idea how to receive the value here.......

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