Mike Labriola did a very good in depth presentation on how binding
works at 360 Flex which was recorded and is available online.  It runs
about an hour and 20 minutes and is well worth the time if you want to
understand how bindings work.

Diving in the Data Binding Waters with Michael Labriola

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "reflexactions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If I add the Bindable tag at a class level every property is wrapped in 
> by  a sort of proxy that then raises PropertyChange events as 
> appropriate.
> This certainly saves a lot of time instead of having to go through a 
> class and add Bindable to every single property.
> But...
> What if there is one property that I dont want to be Bindable and more 
> importantly I dont want it to raise PropertyChange events.
> Is there same NonBindable tag to achieve this???
> tks

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