I'm trying to use a repeater to configure n different bars in a foo

(e.g., in pseudo-code

  bars:Array = [ { bar1, bar2, bar3 ];

where each bar is something like



each of the bars has a baz that can be one of five different Strings. My
current approach is to use a repeater:

protected function handleBarBoxInit(e:Event):void {
    var barBox:ComboBox = e.currentTarget as ComboBox;
    var bazArray:Array = getValidBazes(barRptr.currentItem);
    barBox.dataProvider = bazArray;
    barBox.selectedIndex = bazArray.indexOf(barRptr.currentItem.baz);
<mx:Repeater id="barRptr" dataProvider="{dataProvider.bars}">
<mx:FormItem label="{'Change baz of bar \'' + barRptr.currentItem.label
+ '\' to '}">
<mx:ComboBox initialize="handleBarBoxInit(event)"/>

This works very nicely for displaying the correct controls with the
current baz of each bar, but I'm not sure how to come up with a clean
way to "harvest" the settings of each combobox when updating the set. I
don't want to directly listen to each ComboBox CHANGE event because I
want to have update/cancel functionality for the entire group. Is there
a way of doing this cleaner than iterating over the children of barRptr
(presumably FormItems) and doing getChildAt(0) to get the ComboBoxes?

Maciek Sakrejda
Truviso, Inc.

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