Ooops, the bug report is at:

On Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Pan Troglodytes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Okay, I think I figured it out.  I had the same problem in the 3.1 SDK.
> You were definitely being stumped because you didn't have the Pro source
> code.  I went ahead and created a bug and entered the reason it's broken and
> how you can go about working around it.  If you vote for the issue, there's
> more of a chance it will be fixed in a future SDK release.
> On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 8:03 AM, omnautic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>   Hi,
>> I'm hoping someone can help me out.
>> I seem to have found a bug with the Flex 3 charting components. Since
>> the these components are not open source, perhaps this is the best way
>> to get a quick response. I've searched high and low and have found
>> nothing relating to my problem.
>> So, here goes:
>> I'm trying to use the SeriesInterpolate effect with some ColumnSeries.
>> The documented events are not being triggered. effectEnd is triggered,
>> actually. But effectStart, tweenBegin, tweenEnd, tweenUpdate are not.
>> I tried the other data effects: SeriesSlide and SeriesZoom as well.
>> They both failed to trigger the above events also.
>> The documentation states that the effectStart is triggered by a
>> showData event, but I don't see that event documented (or I'd try to
>> snag it, too).
>> Have there been any updates to the charting components since Flex 3
>> was released? Maybe these issues were already addressed? I checked the
>> downloads and see an update to the SDK, but nothing on the charting
>> components.
>> Another little bit about what I'm really trying to do:
>> I'd like to update the label, too, as the column expands/contracts.
>> The data label retains the "old" value until the column tween is
>> complete, then it updates to the "new" value. An option to update the
>> label for the SeriesInterpolate effect would be really nice. At the
>> very least, an option to hide the label while tweening, perhaps?
>> At this point, I think I'm going to have the programmatically change
>> the values with a Timer event, in conjunction with the data effect.
>> Thanks a lot,
>> K
> --
> Jason


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