--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Tim Hoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Amy,
> Using the example in that you linked, I noticed that only the top 
> left sides scaled as expected (quotes used).  Could be a bug in the
> Image class.  However, by using the image as a borderSkin and CSS, 
I was
> able to get it to scale properly.  A possible workaround:
> CSS:
> .test
> {
>            borderSkin: Embed(source="embed9slice.png",
>                 scaleGridTop=25,
>                 scaleGridBottom=110,
>                 scaleGridLeft=25,
>                 scaleGridRight=110
>            );
> }
> <mx:Canvas styleName="test" width="450" height="450"/>

I tried using a canvas with a backgroundImage in my AIR application, 
and it wouldn't show up (the application has no chrome and is 
transparent).  I can _try_ this, but I have the feeling it will 



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