On Sep 25, 2008, at 1:28 PM, Samuel Colak wrote:

If you want to be pedantic, yes its written in AS3 using Flex (hence flexcoders !!)

Pepervision is written using Flash

All 3d engines are written in Actionscript. AS3 is AS3, doesn't matter what program you used to compile the final SWF.

Both Away3D and PV3D engines work perfectly fine with Flex. The difference is that in Flex Builder, you have to create a UIComponent class to add the scene to your view. Everything else is the same.

The Flex framework is AS3, as is any code written in the Flash IDE (and published to Flash 9). Flex Builder is just a way of compiling SWF files from writing a combination of MXML and AS3 (among some other things).

The end result is still the same - actionscript code that executes in the Flash Player.

PV3D and Away3D are easy to use in Flex Builder, btw.

- jb

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