I submitted this issue to the Adobe Flex Bug Mgmt System a few weeks
back but haven't as yet seen a comment, nor did my last post on this
forum yield a response, so I'm going to give it another go here.

The problem I'm seeing is that it appears that you cannot dynamically 
switch itemRenderers on a chart series at runtime. You can code it, 
and run it, but any and all previous itemRenderers continue to remain 
active. As your initial graphics command is likely to be 
Graphics.clear(), you may not notice the problem since each 
itemRenderer clears the previous itemRenderer's drawing, BUT under 
the covers this continued switching of itemRenderers will add 
itemRenderers to the priorityQueue, eating memory and slowing things 
down along the way. ItemRenderers are never removed from the queue.

I'm hoping someone with knowledge, or at least interest, could weigh
in and let me know if indeed it's a bug, or if I'm coding this
incorrectly, or if there's an alternative approach, etc...
More info, a screenshot of a huge priorityQueue, and sample code can
be found in my bug report:


Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me move past this


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