--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "kyleashipley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I have an architectural question concerning the use of sets of data
> providers for a Tree control.
> We have a master list of Users for our chat application, which we
> might need to filter and sort in various ways (buddies only, blocked
> only, etc).  For our buddy list, we were using an adapter-esque
> solution to convert the list of users into a list of "buddy groups"
> containing User objects underneath them.  We recently stumbled 
> the HierarchicalCollectionView and GroupingCollection objects and
> decided those might be better than the overhead of a custom adapter
> class, but we're having some trouble getting everything to sync up
> correctly.
> We used the tutorial here to try to set up our collections 
> http://blog.tsclausing.com/post/20.  Essentially, we have a list of
> Users that is shared throughout the application.  In our BuddyList
> view, we have a ListCollectionView with list = masterUserList, with 
> sort and filter applied as well.  We then have a GroupingCollection
> sorting on the User's groupName field.  We then have a
> HierarchicalCollectionView adapting the GroupingCollection for 
> in a Tree control.

That's a great post, and it inspired me to produce this example 

> We see the data as expected, but we're having trouble figuring out
> exactly how to keep everything in lock-step.  Sometimes properties 
> the User object change completely asynchronously -- if a User signs
> off, we update their online status and need to reapply the sort on 
> ListCollectionView, but we don't have a specific request/response, 
> we can't rely on a command or delegate or anything.  If we update 
> model, it fires a COLLECTION_CHANGE event, but this doesn't seem to
> fire every time in the bound ListCollectionView.  We anticipated 
> event would fire in the bound object as well, allowing us to call
> refresh and invalidateDisplayList as necessary.

If you only change a property of an item in a collection, I think you 
need to manually fire itemUpdated.



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