Hi. I'm reading a custom properties.xml file into a Flex app but it
gives an error when I try to set an HTTPService's url to a value from
that file. Here's the code that fetches the XML file,

private var servicePropReader:HTTPService = new HTTPService();

private function getPropertiesXML():void {
  this.servicePropReader.url = "global/xml/properties.xml";
  servicePropReader.resultFormat = "e4x";
  servicePropReader.contentType = "application/xml";

In the Result handler, I do an Alert.show() and can see the value,
which is "http://myserver.com/ViewHandler"; (minus the double quotes).
I then try to set an HTTPService to that value, 

this.serviceGridReader.url =

This value causes the Fault handler of the above HTTPService call to
be fired, throwing this error: "TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access
a property or method of a null object reference."

But if I change the above line to be set to the string value
"http://myserver.com/ViewHandler";, it works fine. Here's the XML file,


What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

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