PureMVC - MultiCore is your answer :)



On 9 Oct 2008, at 02:26, Kyle wrote:

I have been playing aroung with PureMVC a bit lately and the part that
I still get a bit confused on is how to use the framework in a larger
scale application. In general I find that various pieces of my
application could each use the MVC pattern by themself (for example if
I had a list component, a controlbar, and various other assets, each
of them could easily use the MVC pattern to define their own
functionality). What's confusing to me is how to marry such an
abstraction into a framework such as PureMVC. It would seem a bit
counter-intuitive to include all of these things under one Facade, but
maybe I'm wrong here?

This question is raised again when I think of structuring out a large
application that contains many different "screens" each with their own
set of components and functionality (each of which could use the MVC
pattern).. How would you go about laying out such an application using
the MVC framework?

This may all be completely obvious, and I'm just getting too caught up
in learning the framework to see the answer right in front of me, but
perhaps someone could point me in the right direction?



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