You would not want to make a direct Oracle connection from Flex – old 
Client/Server technology does not work over the "Intranet".

You need to make service call either RemoteObject / WebService/HTTP 
Service calls.

For RemoteObject calls you can look into BlazeDS

The oracle application server could support xml over http (or REST) 

--- In, "mtkarimi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello people
> its show time
> ok i have a question i'm new in programming with flex but im student
> and im looking for a way that i can connect oracle data base with 
> it can help me a lot even a simple connection that can extract 
> something of database
> and what do u think bout adobe what they want to do?
> coz silverlight growup too quickly and i'm vory bout this
> thanks a lot to all of you and the admin of this group
> god bless you and try to make a world better place , peace & peace

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