--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "srikanthkpn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> pls can one help me 
> what is Preinitialize?
> what is Initialize?
> what is creation complete?
> what is application complete?

preinitialize Dispatched when the component has been attached to its 
parent container, but before the component has been initialized, or 
any of its children have been created. In most cases, this event is 
dispatched too early for an application to use to configure a 

initialize Dispatched when a component has finished its construction 
and its initialization properties have been set. At this point, all 
of the component's immediate children have been created (they have at 
least dispatched their preinitialize event), but they have not been 
laid out. Exactly when initialize events are dispatched depends on 
the container's creation policy. 

creationComplete Dispatched when the component, and all of its child 
components, and all of their children, and so on have been created, 
laid out, and are visible. 

applicationComplete Dispatched after the application has been 
initialized, processed by the LayoutManager, and attached to the 
display list. This is the last event dispatched during an 
application's startup sequence. It is later than the application's 
creationComplete event, which gets dispatched before the preloader 
has been removed and the application has been attached to the display 

One additional point is that at creationComplete you do not yet have 
access to the stage Object, but at applicationComplete you can access 
the stage Object.

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