The simple approach for classes to offer databinding enabled properties is to 
declard the whole class as [Bindable].

To make full use of the feature instances/references to objects must be 
declared as 
[Bindable] as well.

Well, since it is said in the documentation to use custom bindings รก la 
[Bindable("myPropertyChanged")], i'll implement the properties that way.

When i have, let's say two properties, each having its own metadata tag 
declaring the 
property as [Bindable], do i have to declare the instances as [Bindable] by 
using the 
standard tag? Or must i explicitly declare the instance as [Bindable] by using 
all custom 
tags. It's works with [Bindable], but i'm asking for the clean implementation.

package {

public class DataBindingExample {

private var _propertyOne:String;
private var _propertyTow:String;

public function get propertyOne():String { return this._propertyOne; }

public function set propertyOne(value:String):void {
if (this._propertyOne == value) return;
this._propertyOne = value;
this.dispatchEvent(new Event("propertyOneChanged"));

public function get propertyTow():String { return this._propertyTow; }
public function set propertyTow(value:String):void {
if (this._propertyTow == value) return;
this._propertyTow = value;
this.dispatchEvent(new Event("propertyTowChanged"));

Do i have to declare it like:

private var _dbe:DataBindingExample


private var _dbe:DataBindingExample


I'm so curious! Best regards!

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