
We are having a number of issues with our Flex project (using
LiveCycle Data Services 2.5) and are trying to address them one by one
from the beginning to iron them out. There may be something
fundamental about our approach that we need to change.

The first issue is that the initial fills that we perform all come
back successful, but commitRequired is set to true for 2 of the 3
fills. We have to issue a commit to reset it...it seems like this
shouldn't be necessary and understanding what is going on here could
help us with our other issues. Has anyone encountered this kind of
behavior before? 

The ArrayCollections filled are bound to user interface elements. We
can provide more info on the database schema and such if that might be
a factor.

Any help would be appreciated. We have expertise in our team in the
Java/hibernate side and Flash/actionscrip, but our understanding of
the details of the Data Services is where we are less experienced.


U. of Iowa

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