I am still trying to iron out the problems with data binding in actionscript an 
server push.  If I just replace the old 
array with a new one, it updates ok, but when I append to an array, it doesn't 
seem to work.

I have to do everything in actionscript. I set up the data binding like this.

BindingUtils.bindProperty(lineSeries, "dataProvider", ser, "pointList");

Here is the way I'm currently trying to append the new data and catch the 
error, but this does not work.

// oldArray is the same as pointlist from the data binding line of code above
        for (var i:int = 0; i<newArray.length; i++) {

What's more, because the app is fired remotedly from a server process, I can't 
trace or run it in debug mode to find 
out why it's failing.  Usually, I'll throw in an Alert.show to find out if the 
data is messed up or a variable is null, but 
when I do it after running this loop, the Alert just hangs the whole 
application.  Is there anyway to throw an error to 
a popup box (flash seems to do this from time to time on its own)

And one final related question.  If I do get the new arrays to work, will the 
charts labels and range adjust 
accordingly.  In other words, if the original array was from Mon-Wed, if the 
new data is on Thurs, will the chart auto 
adjust properly to show the new data?

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