I have a VBox-based custom component (call it 'A') that displays some
data in a list of windowshade-ish item renderers. My problem is A
doesn't scroll when its child renderers exceed its dimensions. Here
are the relevant factors as far as I'm aware:

-scrollpolicy is set to "auto" ("on" shows a disabled bar)
-as far as I can tell, measure() is implemented properly in the item
- A is nested inside another Box.
- when I add more children to my A component, the value of
A.getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() continues to increase although it
visually does not.

Because of this last issue, I'm wondering if A is getting clipped by
it's parent container which has scrollpolicy set to "off". If this is
the problem, how can I show scrollbars on the inner container and not
on the outer? Do I need to manually size A to match the dimensions of
its parent?


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