I don't think it matters what is in the swf it matters that one swf 
is requesting something from other then the server it was loaded from.

If your running Flash 10 things have changed - you have to do more 
things then just a basic crossdomain file.

Run your application in FireBug and you will see the requests - and 
see requests errors that occur..

A lot of people are having issues with this now:

Adobe implemented the stricter requirements in Flash Player in three
phases. In Phase 1, which began with Flash Player 9,0,115,0, a small
number of strict rules were enforced immediately, but most violations
of the strict rules resulted only in warnings visible in Debug 
of Flash Player. In Phase 1.5, which began with Flash Player 
the warnings of Phase 1 became errors in the specific case of socket
operations. In Phase 2, which began with Flash Player 10.0, all of the
warnings of Phase 1 became errors and the transition to stricter rules
was complete.

Recommend you read this document

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