I have a datagrid with a custom renderer for the id column. What I want to
accomplish is letting the user select as many rows as they want by clicking
on the checkbox in the first column. When they click the export button I
will do some logic to export only the selected records to a txt file. Going
by the solution below how can i figure out what indexes are selected? Even
if i can't easily get a list of all the id's I can run over the index list
and get the actuall id's.

If there is a better way to do this and I am going about this the wrong way
please speak up! Thanks in advance!

                <mx:DataGrid id="contacts" width="100%" height="100%"
                        <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="id"
headerText="Select" width="40" textAlign="center">
                                    <mx:CheckBox click=""/>
                        <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="companyName"
                        <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="firstName"
headerText="First Name"/>
                        <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="lastName"
headerText="Last Name"/>
                        <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="city"
                        <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="state"

Thank You
Dan Vega

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