Hi Tom,

I had the same problem, did not really found a good solution... It seems
that flex does some kind of trancoding and this does not pick up changed...

What worked is to delete all images, recompile the project, get some errors
on missing resources and then paste the new images and recompile

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 3:26 PM, tom s <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I'm @Embedding some PNGs to skin some buttons.
> If I Run once, then edit the PNG file, then Run again I get the old PNG
> (w/o the edits), not the new one.
> My current work-around is to rename the file after each change, but this is
> a pain.
> How do I get Flex Builder to not cache the PNGs / to check for changes on
> each compile?
> thanks
> tom

Fotis Chatzinikos, Ph.D.

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