--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Andrews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jules, I confess I actually misread your original post - I had 
> that when an event is despatch it wouldn't be actioned until the 
> code section had been completed then the player would act upon 
> awaiting despatch.
> On the face of it, if events are despatched and all handlers 
> synchronously before the next statement runs then there's an 
opportunity for 
> an unexpected race condition if handlers are updating the same data 
> structures as the code that despatched the event. Like you I would 
> surprised at this behaviour and I might try and check that out for 
> later today.
> So you are right my comments don't match your findings. I don't 
have a 
> problem with the event despatcher invoking all handlers for an 
event in 
> sequence - event handling has a predefined order through the 
display list, 
> but there's no guarantee that multiple handlers at the same place 
in the 
> hierarchy will be invoked in a set sequence.
> I'm somewhat surprised at your assertion that despatching an event 
> invoke handlers for that event synchronously - it would be 
interesting to 
> get a better handle on this from someone who knows thelow-level 
> more intimately than I do. My event handling code doesn't 
anticipate that 
> despatched events are handled syncronously and as i've already 
said, there's 
> always a danger of an unexpected race condition if that were true.
> In my previous life writing a lot of code running on multiprocessor 
> we took great care to control asynchronous behaviour and to protect 
> structures from multiple updates using semaphores. In a faux system 
like the 
> flash player, there isn't true concurrency, but if what you say is 
> there would be a real potential of getting an unwanted side-effect 
> effectively shared data structures would be open to being updated 
> unexpectedly whenever an event is despatched.
> So, I'm kinda with you.

I actually had this very thing happen in my code a couple of weeks 
ago.  I normally expect that the code in a function will all run as a 
block unless, of course, I'm calling out to another function.  But in 
one case, one of the statements I was using (addEventListener, I 
think), opened up enough of a timing "hole" in my code that some 
other code (not the function that was being added in the event 
listener, which might have been partially understandable) ran 
unexpectedly at that point.  The only solution I found was to make 
sure I put all of the other code that _had_ to run in that block 
before anything else happened above the addEventListener code.


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