Title pretty much says it all:

I have a Flex 3 application which can basically be summed up as a SWF
player which loads SWF's created in Flash CS3. 

When the SWF's are loaded, I can interact with them using the mouse
(click/mouseover, etc). However, these items cannot be tabbed to. 

I've been hacking around on this all morning, without much luck. I've
ensured that every item in the application either has a tabIndex and
is .tabEnabled or has tabEnabled=false and tabChildren=true. 

I've even resorted to enumerating over the child MovieClips in the swf
(using swfLoaderInstance.content.getChildAt()) and setting tabEnabled
and focusRect are both true, and confirming that the tabIndex on these
mc's was preserved. 

I'm at a serious loss as to what to do next -- I can't have
controls/interactions that the user can't tab to. Am I missing
something simple? A setting on the SWFLoader? The Application?

Hope someone's had to deal with this before and knows a solution.


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