That produces a null result, as it should.  The problem seems to be
with the call to ServerConfig.getChannel(channelName).  As I trace
through the call, I see a call to ServerConfig.createChannel('my-amf').

It evaluates == channelId); which of course
returns nothing because the appropriate E4X expression for the
supplied data should be
xml.channels.elements("channel-definition").(@id == channelId).

The only way I could imagine this working is if the XML were
rewritten, converting all 'channel-definition' elements to 'channel'
elements - or perhaps something along the call chain discards the
remainder of the element name when it encounters a dash.

I tested this out by renaming the channel-definition elements to
channel, and modifying the E4X expression to suit, but createChannel()
fails due to an empty string returned from the call to
channelConfig.attribute(CLASS_ATTR).toString().  CLASS_ATTR is defined
as "type", and an attribute with that name is optional.

What's the secret?

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