In my case, it is much worse. I cant even install it. I tried to install it
with many Eclipses in Ubunt 8.04 in my laptop. The fact is that it only runs
in Ubuntu 7.04 & 7.10 according to Adobe's page. We are thinking to move to
Mac definitily, because Linux isn't a good bet. Adobe is not really
interested in a full support.


On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 2:54 PM, Tyler Kocheran <> wrote:

>   Now, before I start, I know that FlexBuilder Linux is in beta still and
> a lot of stuff isn't working. With that said, I'm experiencing a lot of
> problems that I don't think other people are experiencing.
> I'm using Ubuntu as my OS, and Ganymede for my Eclipse version with Flash
> Player 10 release version. (I can't seem to install Flash 10 Debug Players,
> does anyone know how to do that on Ubuntu?) When I try to compile my
> application, it launches fine (when i "Run" it, not when I "Debug" it.
> Debugging doesn't work because I don't have a debug player installed.)
> However, I'm getting nothing when it runs, just a big blue application that
> does nothing. I can't visually add anything to the display list, I can't log
> anything out to Arthropod, I basically can't do anything.
> When I try to embed my application via SWFObject, that's no working either.
> I get the alternative content every time.
> Now here are my questions, I'm going to try and discover the answers ASAP
> for them, but if you know anything, could you help me out?
> Does FlexBuilder for Linux need to be installed on a Europa release?
> Does FlexBuilder for Linux *require* you to use Flash Player 9 release and
> debug players?
> Will using the Flex ant tasks resolve some of the problems I'm having?
> Any help is much appreciated! Merry Christmas, everyone!
> - TK
> --
> And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of
> sleep;
> for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.

Fernando Wermus.

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