I have a situation where a single remoteobject call is triggering 
multiple faults.  In my fault handler, I want to cancel the operation 
on the first one.  However, I'm not sure how to get from the token to 
the operation that was called.

Here's my code:

package com.rw.adBlankenship.remoting
        import com.rw.adBlankenship.vo.GraphicProfile;
        import flash.events.Event;
        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
        import mx.events.CollectionEvent;
        import mx.messaging.Channel;
        import mx.messaging.ChannelSet;
        import mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel;
        import mx.rpc.AsyncToken;
        import mx.rpc.Responder;
        import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
        import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
        import mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject;
        public class GetProfiles
                //------->      shared variables:
                //remote object to use:
                private static var _ro:RemoteObject=new RemoteObject
                private static var 
                 * Set the profiles collection to the ArrayCollection 
                 * is being used to page through the graphic profiles.
                 * More profiles will be added to it as they are 
                public static var profiles:ArrayCollection = new 
                //ensures GraphicProfile gets compiled into this class
                private static var dummy:GraphicProfile;
                //sets up default channel set
                private static function defaultChannelSet():ChannelSet
                        /*      Once we know the settings logic 
works, this will return a 
                                channelset with a default channel 
that can be used if none
                                is specified. */
                        return new ChannelSet;
                //allows the endpoint to be set from anywhere in the 
                public static function set endpoint
(gateway:String):void {
                        var channel:AMFChannel;
                        //look to see if the channel is already there
                        for (var i:int=0; 
i<_channels.channels.length; i++){
                                if (channel.endpoint==gateway) return;
                        //add channel
                        channel = new AMFChannel('gpChannel'+i, 
                public static function get endpoint():String{
                        return Channel(_channels.channels
                 * Executes the getServices service.
                 * Takes a parameters "object" with the following 
                 * @param categoryID:int-Category to display profiles 
for (use -1 for string search)
                 * @param searchString:String-Search string to 
retrieve profiles for (use null for category search)
                 * @param page:int-page number of results to retrieve 
(defaults to 0)
                 * @param pageSize:int-size of a "page" of results 
(how many to ask for) (defaults to 0)
                public static function execute(categoryID:int=-
1,searchString:String=null, page:int=0, pageSize:int=24):void{
                        if (_channels.channels.length==0) {
                                throw new Error('No endpoint 
specified for GetCategories command Remote Object');
                        _ro.destination = 'AMF_Category';
                        _ro.source = 'AMF_Category';
                        var token:AsyncToken=_ro.getServices
(categoryID=-1?null:categoryID, searchString, page, pageSize);
                        token.addResponder(new Responder
(profilesLoaded, profileLoadFailed));
                /*      Populate current ArrayCollection with the 
                        This will generate a CollectionChange 
wherever the 
                        other end of the reference is so it will know 
                        categories have arrived.        */
                private static function profilesLoaded
                        //keep from sending tons of collection events
                        for (var i:int=0; i<e.result.length; i++) {
                                profiles.addItem(e.result[i] as 
                        //send the collection event
                private static function profileLoadFailed
                        //dispatch a collection change event so that 
the SearchProfiles can react
                        profiles.dispatchEvent(new CollectionEvent
                        //keep from tying up resources responding to 
more faults on this call
                var operation:Operation=???;


I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me out with what goes 
in place of ??? above.



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