I'm receiving a very peculiar error.  I've boiled it down to a simple
reproducible test.  Given the following two files:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute">
      private var test:TestStyle;

  import mx.core.UIComponent;

  [Style(name="color", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="no")]
  public class TestStyle extends UIComponent

I get the following error trying to compile, ever after cleaning the
Severity and Description    Path    Resource    Location    Creation Time
Declaration of style 'color' conflicts with previous declaration in
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder
GenericTest    Unknown    1231521859674    29620

First, I'm pretty sure the claim that it's Container causing the problem is
wrong, as TestStyle is a subclass of UIComponent, not a subclass of
Container.  In the help for UIComponent, there is no color style or property
listed.  Plus if you make it inherit from other things like Object,
DisplayObject, Sprite, etc., the error changes to different files, including
saying the file conflicts with itself (Declaration of style 'color'
conflicts with previous declaration in C:\dev\GenericTest\src\TestStyle.as);

If I change it to inherit="yes", it does not have a problem with it.  My
best guess is that there's something hidden and undocumented.  Doing a
search on all the SDK code found no declaration for it.  If I take out my
Style declaration and call getStyle("color") on a newly created TestStyle
object, I get 0x0B333C.  So it's getting set somewhere.

Anyone want to offer their two cents?  I'm considering filing a bug report
but I don't know exactly if this should be considered a bug (well,
definitely a bug in the compiler error text) or poor documentation or what.


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