I found apples API doc very helpful:


- Quicktime wont let you use width and height of 0,0 Player will not function
- Quicktime wont let you embed it in a hidden div, you will need to
set the top, left position to something offscreen like -1000, so set
the width and height to say 100px, 100px and hide its div offscreen as
referenced if you want a seamless integration with flash
- If you want to embed Quicktime in the parent HTML page OnDemand when
needed you wont be able to rely on standard event listeners across
Firefox and IE and will likely need to use a polling strategy to
detect player status
- will need to set flash "wmmode" to "transparent" if you want to
layer a floating div over your flash app



On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 9:09 AM, valdhor <valdhorli...@embarqmail.com> wrote:
> What QuickTime API functions?
> If you need to access QuickTime from Flex check out
> http://geekglue.blogspot.com/search?q=flash+quicktime+controller
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, vinod kumar <coolvinu1...@...> wrote:
>> Please send the examples on how to use the QuickTime API functions
>> Bollywood news, movie reviews, film trailers and more! Go to
> http://in.movies.yahoo.com/

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