Ok, this i killing me. I have down to this:


How do I replace \\\ with \\ and all \\ with \.  

Thanks, Jason

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Manish Jethani"
<manish.jeth...@...> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 8:16 PM, flexaustin <flexaus...@...> wrote:
> > So if I have this string (quotes are included in the string):
> > "name":"Big Brown Cow <b>'(--Foot)'</b>","title":"hello"
> >
> > I want to include everything after "name": and before ","
>         var s:String = "\"name\":\"Big Brown Cow
> <b>'(--Foot)'</b>\",\"title\":\"hello\"";
>         var a:Array = s.match(/"[^"]*":([^,]*)/g);
>         trace(a[0]);
>         trace(a[1]);
>         var s1:String = s.replace(/"[^"]*":([^,]*),?/g, "$1\n");
>         trace(s1);
> Manish
> -- 
> http://manishjethani.com

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