hi i have tried to debug the application but failed to find what the
problem is the other data is pulled from the database well but the
images are not. in all honesty i have tried over and over again bt
failed please help me. once again i will post my cfc.


<!--- Get Homes --->
        <cffunction name="load" output="false" access="remote"
        <cfargument name="ctry_id" required="true" type="numeric" default="0">
        <cfset var homes= "">
        <cfset var result= "">          
                <cfquery name="homes" datasource="realestate">
                        select  id, ctryid_home, city, location, price, type, 
                                        square_feet, date_listed, bedrooms, 
bathrooms, status, 
                                        pool, backyard, closets, garage, sale, 
                                        rent, image, lat, lng, description, tour
                        FROM            homes 
                        WHERE           ctryid_home = <cfqueryparam 
cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" />                                                   
                <cfquery dbtype="query" name="results">
                select          id, ctryid_home, city, location, price, type, 
                                        square_feet, date_listed, bedrooms, 
bathrooms, status, 
                                        pool, backyard, closets, garage, sale, 
+ image AS profilePic,
                                        lat, lng, description,
'http://localhost:8500/iestate/images/video/' + tour AS video
                FROM homes              
                <cfreturn results>

"item renderer"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:HBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
        <mx:CurrencyFormatter id="cf"/>

        <mx:Image source="{'../assets/homeprofile_pics/' + data.profilePic}"/>
                <mx:Label text="{data.type}" fontWeight="bold"/>
                <mx:Label text="{cf.format(data.price)}"/>

by the way i use the same arraycollection for the tilelist and
datagrid and all data is pulled out except the images. here is my


           private var dataAr:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;
            public function displayResult(event:ResultEvent):void{
                //var dataAry:Array = event.result as Array ;
                                //dataAr = new ArrayCollection( (dataAry as 
                                dataAr = new ArrayCollection( (event.result as

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