I have a client who I am making a full-page Flex application for.  We
originally had the application embeded in the HTML page, but because
of Flex's "Browser and VBox scrollbars scrolling together" bug, I had
to made the application show the full page, including the other
content in the page which I had to recreate in MXML.  

The issue here is the client uses TinyMCE in some homemade CMS to make
updates to the rest of the content on the page, and he doesn't want to
give this up.  I haven't been able to find a solution that lets us
import the HTML he creates in TinyMCE into the Flex app.  I've seen a
few iframe options that wont work because of the scrollbars (the
iframe stays in the same spot, no matter where you scroll up and down
on the page), and some other option I found that converts HTML to a
Flash-friendly format doesnt support tables (only DIV tags), which
TinyMCE relies on heavily.

What are my options here?  Is there some sort of solution I can do
here that would allow a person who's not technical but likes WYSIWYG
editors to get new content into a Flex app?

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