Sorry if that was a little confusing...Here is the scenario.

I have a module (myProjects) that has a viewstack (projectsVS) that allows me 
to switch between a 2 different sections (indexes). I want to, when the use 
logs out, make sure that the module's viewstack is set to selectedIndex=0, so 
when the user logs back in, its back on the first view in the stack...does that 
make sense.

So, in my main application I imported the module (import 
edu.umich.mods.myProjects;) and in the  logout function I tried to use: 

Funny thing is that Flex Builder's code hinting showed each piece as I typed 
it, but when I went to run it I get this error:

1119: Access of possibly undefined property projectsVS through a reference with 
static type Class.

Any ideas? Better way to do this? Thanks. 

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