Thanks valdhor,

Does Charles manage to capture the local host traffic?
I want to capture the messages between an exe and an Adobe swf file.


valdhor wrote:
> My favorite (The one I own) is Charles (
> The two things that made it my pick is that it is cross platform and
> that it understands AMF (ie. it will show you the returned objects and
> what they contain - invaluable for debugging remote objects)
> --- In, "oneworld95" <oneworl...@...> wrote:
>> John -- WireShark (free download from is my
>> current favorite. It shows all the network traffic and can be filtered
>> based on IP, etc. I've blogged about it here with instructions on
>> using it:
>> - Alex C
>> --- In, "oneworld95" <oneworld95@> wrote:
>>> Thanks, Alex. It's not hanging on the Flex side -- the server response
>>> is never received. Using WireShark (, I was
>>> able to see it's not hanging at all, but continually sending messages
>>> to the Java servlet but getting nothing back in reply. 
>>> That's what led me to investigate the Java code more closely. The
>>> BufferedImage object was receiving some JPG images that it couldn't
>>> handle; so it spun away for a while before throwing an exception. For
>>> whatever reason, the exception never made it back to the Flex side. 
>>> All is well now: I took out the BufferedImage object and am passing
>>> the InputStream directly to the Java Advanced Imaging API code, which
>>> resizes the image and writes it to disk. One issue: JPG images with
>>> CMYK color spaces come out with their colors mangled; but that's a
>>> limitation of the server code and has nothing to do with Flex.
>>> - Alex
>>> --- In, Alex Harui <aharui@> wrote:
>>>> It would be unusual for Flex to hang waiting for the server.  Use a
>>> network monitor to see what's going on.  Is Flex really hung?  You
>>> can't hit a button or anything?
>>>> From: []
>>> On Behalf Of oneworld95
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 7:25 AM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: [flexcoders] Detect exeptions - help!!
>>>> I've run into a very frustrating situation and need your help:
>>>> - Flex uploads a file to the server
>>>> - The server reads it into a Java BufferedImage object.
>>>> - However, Java sometimes takes 40 seconds or longer to reply
>>>> - In some cases it has difficulty reading the file.
>>>> In the cases of problems, Flex just hangs. It doesn't reply with
>>>> anything. Is it timing out? Any help appreciated.
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