When: February 10th – 10:30am PT / 1:30pm ET / 6:00pm GMT (duration
1 hour and 15 minutes)
Find your time zone here
r=2009&hour=10&min=30&sec=0&p1=224> .

Where: via Connect: http://my.adobe.acrobat.com/foi/
<http://my.adobe.acrobat.com/foi/>  (Please enter the room as a
`guest' using your First and Last name)

We invite you to partake in our iteration kick-off meetings. We'll
be reviewing decisions made in the last iteration and discussing the
upcoming iteration – what we'll be working on and open issues.
This will be a chance for you to give us feedback on these items and to
interact with the SDK engineering team.

10:30am – 11:15am : Flex team discusses past and future iterations
11:15am - 11:45am :  Open up discussion to community for Q&A


    * Please review the content to be presented (the Open Source site
<http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/>  will be updated
with this information) and post and vote on questions you may ahead of
time here. <http://moderator.appspot.com/#15/e=1a65d&t=1a65e>
    * We'll only be discussing the SDK - not Builder, Catalyst, Flash
Player bugs, Obama, or Flash on the iPhone
    * Please keep feedback relevant to this iteration's content.
    * Fx prefix is an ongoing discussion that will NOT be discussed in
this meeting and will be discussed via the forums
<http://www.adobeforums.com/webx/.3c060f85/> .
    * If you'd like to dive deep into the implementation of a
feature, we'd like to discuss this with you. However, given the time
constraints of the meeting, please mention it during the session and we
can continue this discussion via the forums.

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