Depending on how you'd like the data grouped on the y axis (ie, date or
country), then you should restructure/group your data slightly to achieve.
 For example:
Date  India  US
feb 5  20     15
feb 4  30     40

Then use

<mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="date"/>

<mx:BarSeries xField="India" yField="date" />
<mx:BarSeries xField="US" yField="date" />

Pay attention to how a BarChart and ColumnChart differ when defining
vertical vs horizontal axis values.  The following link will be helpful as

Look at Datavisualization Components -> Charts -> Chart Controls -> Bar

Hope that helps,


On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 2:16 AM, Vik <> wrote:

>   Hie
> I have the data like
> Date Country production
> 5-feb-09 IND 20
> 5-feb-09 US 15
> 4-Feb-09 IND 30
> 4-Feb-0 IND 40
> I have to show this data as a bar char.
> Where horizontal axis should be date.
> Vertical axis will show production
> and chart will show 2 pillar per date (one for ind and another for US).
> I tried various ways but could not get the desired results. Any suggestions
> for the required mxml for this.
> I tried like:
> <mx:BarChart id="myChart"
> width="100%" height="100%"
> showDataTips="true"
> type="clustered">
> <mx:horizontalAxis>
> <mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="date"/>
> </mx:horizontalAxis>
> <mx:series>
> <mx:BarSeries displayName="Yesterday" xField="date" yField="production" />
> <mx:BarSeries displayName="Today" xField="date" yField="production" />
> </mx:series>
> </mx:BarChart>
> any suggestions?
> Thankx and Regards
> Vik
> Founder

Brendan Meutzner

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