Hi All,

I am not sure how to go about this and couldn't find a sample 
anywhere...I am trying to consume a webservice that contains dynamic 
request data. Meaning that my request will change depending on what 
the user has entered... I've always used services that had the same 
request params, but in this case they change...

I tried building out in AS my request like this:

= "<criterialist><searchcriteria><title>string</title><item>string</it

And I have been staring at the request tag not knowing how to make 
it "loop"

    <mx:WebService id="webService" wsdl="myservice">
              <mx:operation name="SearchParams" 
result="getSearchDetails_result(event)" fault="getSearchDetails_fault
                                <mx:request xmlns="schema">
                                <!-- This has to be dynamic depending 
on how many search params were given by user-->

I hope it's clear what I am trying to accomplish and that someone can 
point me in the correct direction...


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