This is a flex2->flex3 migration issue.
I'm using the SeriesInterpolate as an effect when Line Chart is
updated with new data.
In flex 2 these are the parameters I gave:
protected var _interpolateEff:SeriesInterpolate = new SeriesInterpolate();
 _interpolateEff.duration = 1000;
 _interpolateEff.minimumElementDuration = 200;
 _interpolateEff.elementOffset = 10;
 _interpolateEff.hideFocusRing = true;

This was enough to apply to the entire chart.
In flex 3 - it seems that the dots ( at the end of each line in the
chart) are not affected by the this and only take their new position
after the effect is done.
Is there a fix to it ? is thee a property or a mothoed which I can
specify that the dots also should apply the effect ?


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