Hi Guy -

I'm in the same boat, using perl on the backend for a project that I'm working on. We've been using XML to pass data to the the flex app, but it would be nice if there was a way to use AMF. I looked around bit, but haven't actually tried anything at this point.

Flap uses AMF::Perl

There is also another library called

Data::AMF, I think it has hooks into Catalyst framework.

I think Data::AMF is more recent, it looks like it has some beta support for AMF3.

I think you can force flex to use AMF0. I'm not sure what you would lose by forcing flex to use amf0 though. Maybe someone on the list could answer that better.

If you do try Data::AMF...let me know how it goes.


On Feb 17, 2009, at 2:44 AM, Guy Morton wrote:

Yes, that project was last updated over 4 years ago.

I'm not sure I want to invest time in developing a solution based on something that's not being actively developed (and that's assuming it even works with modern flash players).


On 17/02/2009, at 8:00 PM, sunild999999 wrote:

I haven't used this but there is a Perl AMF library:


Perhaps this is the ancient implementation you're referring to.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Guy Morton <g...@...> wrote:
> Is anyone using perl as a backend for remoting?
> I can't find a complete implementation that isn't fairly ancient, but
> perhaps i'm looking in the wrong places...
> Guy

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